Category Archives: pregnancy

On having big kids

I want to be sure to document some of the wonderful aspects of having nonbabies, so that when another baby comes along and we’re back to the intensity of that season, I can look back and say, “Okay good, I really appreciated that while I could.”



Because I do appreciate it. I love it, actually. There is a whole lot of freedom in our daily life these days, and I’m extremely thankful to have this stretch before gearing up for Baby.

I look forward to having a baby in our family. I’m very excited. (In a hesitant, don’t-come-too-quickly sort of way.) So it’s not that I won’t be thrilled when the time comes for life to turn upside down. But for the moment, for the next 5 1/2 months, I want to celebrate this season.


-We can read chapter books at bedtime (currently reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe).
-We can leave the house with little warning: no diaper bags, no feedings, no gear…just go.
-We can play board games as a family and fully expect that everyone will be engaged.
-I can get in the shower without even telling them. I just expect them to continue playing together.

-We can let the kids play outside without hovering over them.
-We can go on walks without a stroller. Today the kids and I walked a mile, with Charlie on the balance bike and Lillian on foot. So easy!
-I can ask the kids to do something and they will likely know what I mean and how to do it. And usually they listen. 🙂
-We can take trips or spend the night away from home, and it doesn’t mess us up too much. It’s more an adventure and less a hassle.


There are challenges in this season too, of course. And there will be unspeakable joys this winter with a wee one, of course. But I’m thankful for where we are right now. For these big kids I’ve got, for their growing independence, for the friendship between them, and for the joy in teaching their maturing minds. This is a sweet time.

An evening of firsts

After dinner last night, I watched through the kitchen window as Charlie rode his bike with no training wheels for the first time. I admit I had to wipe away a few tears. Charlie has always been our sensitive kid, uneasy with change and unwilling to try anything unknown. For the past year he’s been riding a balance bike (Lillian’s, actually. She currently prefers the teeny-tiny “Mickey Train.”), and he would have happily continued with that all summer. But Jeff was just sure he could handle his own bike, sans training wheels. I knew that one fall in the learning process could be incredibly traumatic for Charlie, so I was nervous and skeptical. Which is why I couldn’t stop the tears of surprise and pride and joy as I watched Charlie pedal away from Jeff with no trouble at all. Way to go, Cboy!



A bit later a new neighbor came over with her five kids to introduce herself. After I told her my name, she asked, “And are you expecting?” This is the first time a stranger has commented on my expanding belly. The first of many.

Then we walked to the park. And for the first time, I watched Charlie as he got going pretty high in the swing and then jumped out onto the sand below. I couldn’t believe his confidence! He’s growing up, and this seems to be a magical season of turning points for him. Maybe this will be the summer he puts his head underwater in the pool?

Thankful in this season

The past few months have been very hard, but very joyful. Hard because I’m exhausted, napping two and three times a day, nearly incapable of performing basic household chores. Hard because I’m nauseous most of my waking hours. But joyful because, of course, there’s a reason for feeling so yucky. Baby #3 will be arriving in mid-November!

We’re very excited to welcome this little one into our family, and there’s so much I could rattle on about! But for now, just a few things I’m so grateful for during these months of the crummies:

-A very kind and patient husband who allows me extra sleep and the occasional night off of kid duty
-Very thoughtful and generous friends and family who have brought meals or offered babysitting help when I’ve felt extra needy
-A gap between Lillian and this baby! Lillian has been surprisingly understanding when I tell her that Mommy needs rest because Baby makes me tired. I’ll lie down in bed for a nap, and she’ll sit next to me paging quietly through stacks and stacks of books. My kids have long outgrown their naps, but I’m thankful that they’re independent enough to allow me some rest.
-A flexible work schedule. I’ve kept busy, but not overwhelmingly so. This comfortable pace has been a gift.
-A great first appointment with an OB I’d never met. I liked her and immediately felt at ease with her. And we heard Baby’s strong heartbeat and had a quick look at the sono. Everything looked great!

I’m ready for this stretch of the pregnancy to be over, but I’m constantly reminded of how well I’m being cared for in the midst of it.

Gramps is here!

My dad is staying with us now, ready and eager to play nanny when Jeff and I head to the hospital. Today is my dad’s birthday — wouldn’t you agree that it’s the perfect day for Junebug’s arrival? We’re all so ready for this baby to make her appearance!

But we’ve definitely been enjoying a few pre-baby days with Gramps. We’ve been to the park, gone out to eat, played in the water table, journeyed downtown for a few hours at Lincoln Park Zoo, and just bummed around the apartment with choo-choos and cars and Legos. We’re having a great time, but we’re sure missing Nana!

Here are two videos from the past few days, and you can see more on my YouTube page.

Stranger danger

Many of you know my thoughts on waiting until my baby’s birth to announce her name. (Mom, I know it’s killing you, but I promise you’ll know soon!) The problem is, all the nosy ladies passing by me in the grocery store and the restaurant don’t know said thoughts. And these bold, prying strangers are about to drive me batty. I think I need to just stay inside and avoid these people. Is it really that unusual for pregnant women to keep these things secret? It’s personal information! As Charlie loves to say, “C’mon, people!”

The conversation is always the same:

Little Miss Nosy: Oh, wow, when are you due?

Me: Next Monday!

LMN: Oh, that’s great. Are you having a boy or girl?

Me: It’s a girl. *sweet smile*

LMN: So sweet! Do you have a name picked out?

Me: *little white lie* We haven’t decided for sure yet.

[Usually the conversation can end here. Especially if I’m making an effort to walk away. Which isn’t difficult, as I’m usually chasing after Charlie. But today the store clerk wouldn’t let it drop.]

LMN: Oh, what names are you deciding between? *direct stare, piercing my soul*

Me: *stuttering, stammering, making up names*

I literally could not bring myself to say the name we’ve chosen. No way was I telling this stranger before even telling my baby! Let alone my own parents. I just couldn’t do it. So instead the conversation became unnecessarily awkward as I pulled a few names out of nowhere. But I was proud of myself for not telling her. It’s not news to tell yet.


All right, Katie, here’s for comparison’s sake.

Close to nine months pregnant with Cboy (“Carl”):


Getting closer:


The day I went into labor:

We're having a baby!

A big boy and a belly

Just a quick couple of pics for today.

For better or worse, Charlie has become my little kitchen helper. He LOVES dumping ingredients into the bowl, stirring anything that is stirrable, wiping down the counter, you name it. Whenever I’m standing at the counter or the sink, I’ll hear, “Tahtee huh Mommy!” (translation: Charlie help Mommy!), and within seconds, he’s pushing a chair over to the counter and climbing up. It’s irresistible, really.

Here he is snapping asparagus. I get the impression that he could do this all day, if only I would provide enough asparagus.


And here you see him meticulously placing the asparagus end in the “icky” pile. His brain is so methodical, it cracks me up. I got in trouble for trying to rescue a large stalk from the “icky” pile.


And now for a couple of belly shots. Nothing fancy or flattering, just proof that I’m huge. I’ve realized in the past few days that it’s incredibly difficult now to see my feet when I’m walking down stairs. This could be dangerous.



39 weeks. Yee-haw!

Almost time

Where have the past eight months gone?!

Truly, I can’t remember another season of my life ever passing by in such a blur. It seems like yesterday I was marveling at my wee belly bump and giggling about Baby’s first kicks. And now we’re less than two weeks from her due date! My belly bump is anything but “wee.” Jeff announced to his coworkers recently, in the presence of a horrified intern, that his wife is “large and in charge!” He’s so charming, isn’t he?

As far as logistics go, we’re pretty close to ready. Baby has clothes, diapers, a bed, and an enviable shoe collection. Mommy is studying up on Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth and trying to wrap up one last editing project. Daddy is rearranging furniture, has important phone numbers tucked into his wallet, and is ready to install the carseat base at a moment’s notice. Big brother Cboy is grinning gleefully at every baby he encounters, talking about Baby’s tiny little clothes and pink bear blankie, and constantly — constantly — requesting that we read There’s a House inside my Mommy.

My dad will be arriving next Wednesday to play babysitter/nanny for Charlie whenever Jeff and I head to the hospital. (As a side note, you can pray along with my dad that Junebug decides to make her appearance on June 7, my dad’s birthday. =) Even if she doesn’t come on the exact day, he’s pretty convinced that this granddaughter is his very own birthday gift! I love how giddy he has been.) If I go into labor before next Wednesday night, my friend Jessica is wonderfully excited to be on call for nanny duty!

So we’re all set. Logistically. Emotionally? Well, I guess we’ll see about that!

Baby shower in a box!

Wow. Sometimes on the most difficult days, we receive the biggest blessings. Today I am sick, incredibly exhausted, overly emotional, and a tad short on patience. So what do you know? In walks my mail carrier with a big box from “Grace and the girls.”

I tore into the box greedily, having no idea what to expect. I found the most amazing surprise: small, individually wrapped gifts from all over the world! Covered in confetti! And oh my goodness, the PINK! Right away Charlie discovered the items that were intended for him, the big-brother-to-be — a new ball! bubbles! He was thrilled, and insisted that I open the bubbles immediately.

Rather than open all the gifts with a “helpful” toddler, I decided to wait until his naptime. Perfect. As soon as I closed his bedroom door, I grabbed the box and headed for the couch for my own private baby shower. Junebug and I had such fun! Every little detail — every card in familiar handwriting, every onesie, every itty-bitty girlie accessory, every bow and gift bag — was just perfect. So thoughtful and loving. And logistically impressive! Grace, as if you didn’t have enough to think about already!

So for all you lovely Vancouver ladies who contributed to today’s shower, thank you thank you thank you. I am truly grateful.

And since we couldn’t all sit around my living room and “ooh” and “aah” together, I’ll give you a run-down of the precious little gifts.




(There’s Junebug admiring all her beautiful presents.)

From Michele (Michigan): BabyLegs! I’m so excited about these! They’re little leg warmers that “make diaper changes a breeze; protect soft knees from harsh surfaces; and keep legs warm year round.” So fun.

From Grace (Idaho): Little pink/brown/white outfit (I wouldn’t expect any other color scheme from Grace — I love it!): adorable floofy skirt, white onesie top with ruffled little sleeves, and a matching ruffly hat.

From Shelley (British Columbia!): A whole bundle of goodies. Plaid pink sundress outfit, pale pink sleeper and onesie, precious little pink mary janes, and (I’m so lucky!) two of Shelley’s handmade bibs.

From Shannon (New Jersey): Two little onesies (Grandpa’s Little cupcake, I Love Mommy), a stylin’ outfit consisting of a pale blue butterfly shirt and glittery khaki cords, a Target gift card (you know me well!), and a lovely handmade mini decorated storage case for baby photos.

From Ansley (Florida): A teensy outfit in a sweet green and pink color scheme — green and white polka-dot pants with large pink buttons on the pockets, and a onesie top, “Sweet as can [picture of a bee].”

From Paisley (North Carolina): Purple accessories — little ruffly sandals with pink and blue ladybugs on them, and a stretchy headband (LOVE these!) with a simple large butterfly.

From Elizabeth (Vancouver): Brown and pink Carter’s outfit — little footie brown pants, pink short-sleeved shirt with brown trim, and a pink long-sleeved shirt covered in little hearts.

From Katie (Scotland!): A whole bundle of red and green — white shirt with a strawberry and the word “Yummy,” super stylish red-and-white polka-dot shirt, green flowy shirt, red-and-white polka-dot hat with a green stem on top (omg!), a 3-pack of red and white socks, and a pair of red and white cotton shoes with a teeny little polka-dot bow on the toes. Plus a separately wrapped gift for Charlieboy, which he hasn’t opened yet.

Oh, and I can’t forget to mention the “What’s Wrong With Baby?” decision-making dice. I have high hopes for these things. Surely they will answer our every question about baby’s needs. Hilarious!

After receiving three adorable pairs of shoes today, I had to take a picture of all the shoes Junebug has for the first few months of her life. She is one lucky girl! I adore all of these — they totally make my heart melt!


So thank you, again, girls. I miss you all like crazy!

Baby makes the belly go round

Today’s title comes from a shirt I saw yesterday at Motherhood Maternity. Cutesy, isn’t it?

Round indeed. I’m beginning to feel large and awkward. And mildly panicky. Why? Five and a half weeks, my friends. Five and a half weeks. *gulp*

As far as newsy pregnancy updates go, this one is pretty boring. My midwife says everything looks great! And she’s pretty confident that little Junebug won’t be anywhere near Charlie’s 8 pounds, 14 ounces. Whew — I can do this!

You may remember that my ultrasound doctor had been concerned about Baby’s left kidney. There is still some concern, but subsequent ultrasounds showed that the issue isn’t at all affecting her overall health and growth. So I have the phone number for a top pediatric urologist in Chicago, who will see Junebug a few months after her birth to determine if anything needs to be done.

Meanwhile, back in the womb, she’s movin’ and groovin’. I don’t remember Charlie being nearly this active, or having the hiccups so frequently! My belly is constantly pulsing and bulging. Every once in a while, I can feel a dainty little hand pushing out around my belly button, and I touch it with the tips of my fingers and feel a connection to my daughter that cannot be explained in words. There’s LIFE in there! Incredible!

I’ll close with a photo from today. Here’s the belly at 34 1/2 weeks.
