
Jeff and Charlie in the kitchen. Sliding door open. Charlie commentating on every sound he hears outside.

C: Dada? Choo-choo!

J: Oh, did you hear a train?

C: Yeah.

C: Dada? Choo-choo!

J: [realization dawning] Charlie, that’s not a train, that’s a turtle dove!

C: No. Choo-choo.

J: No, that’s a bird.

C: No. Choo-choo.

J: No, that’s a bird.

(This continues for a while, forcing me to interrupt from the next room: “For the love, Jeff, just let him think it’s a train!”)

J: See, Charlie? It sounds like this. [Hands in front of mouth, Jeff perfectly imitates the bird call. Bird responds.]

C: Choo-choo!

J: No, see? It’s a bird! It’s calling back to me!

C: No. Choo-choo.

(And on and on. Finally . . . )

J: Okay, Charlie, how about we compromise and call it a Choo-choo bird?

C: Yeah.

[Bird calls.]

C: Dada? Choo-choo bird!

2 responses to “Overheard

  1. omg that is so cute!

  2. Marilyn Reimer

    Oh, that is cute. He’s learning. It may be choo choo bird, though, the rest of his life. 🙂

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